Illuminating our thoughts through, willpower & feelings. Stay positive, open and remain in harmony.
Six essential exercises
1 - Control of thought – regulating the sequence of thought, developing clear thinking.
2 - Control of actions – consistency in actions, initiative of action in setting tasks for oneself and carrying them thought to the end.
3 - Control of feelings – developing equanimity in the emotional life, control of internal fluctuations of joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, etc.
4 - Positivity – seeking the good, the praiseworthy, the beautiful in all experiences, beings and things – abstention from criticism, positive attitude.
5 - Openness – overcoming dogmatic beliefs, receptivity to new information, being flexible and open to new experiences.
6 - Harmonization – all six exercises together; equilibrium, the fruit of all six exercises integrated together in our internal life.
Details of our first essential exercise
Illuminating our thoughts through – self observation – observation of nature –concentration - visualization. Control of our thinking is a soul experience, which is felt primarily in the front part of the head. As we become aware of this subtle feeling of firmness in the four head, we then pour this feeling into our brain, and then move it to flow through the center of the spinal cord. As we develop more power in this practice, we will then become aware of the practice generates rays of energy radiating from the four head directly into the center of the spinal cord.
In a meditative forum focus on one thought something which is inherently interesting to yourself, this is because it is inherently tougher to maintain this overtime. It is okay to switch items daily however it is more challenging to continue with the same object. Concentrate on examining every part of it, In a way as you were describing it to someone else that was not seeing the object for example;
What shape is it, or combination of shapes? What color is it? What material is it made of? Where do the materials come from? How were they mind or created? How were the materials works into their current form? Why was the object given its particular shape? For what purpose is the object used?
Details of our second essential exercise
Illuminating our willpower: By creating a foundation for illuminating our willpower with our consciousness. Control over the will is one of the most important achievements in the school of earthly life. This begins with the receptive aspects of Self-observation.
It is important that observing our actual speech and actions be done with the same neutrality as if we were observing a stranger. The act of observation itself begins to improve the quality and nature of our speech and physical action. The goal of this practice is to be able to maintain this object of awareness of your speech and actions The first step is observation of our speech and physical action during the day will help us identify our habitual behaviors. Observing this habitual behavior takes some time as we must do it in enough situations to truly identify the patterns and how these are affecting our life. The second step is observing our inner impulses which leads to saying or doing something. The goal here is to identify that moment before we take any action in life - that "trigger" affect from the events we are responding to.
The meditative element of self observation will help strengthen our concentration and visualization along with other aspects. This exercise may have illuminated some things that your mind knows you should do, but will has not been active sufficiently to accomplish. To assist in the development of our will it is a good exercise to take action daily that has no significant meaning, For example at a precise time every day do something simple like turning your shoes around on the shoe rack.
Details of the third essential exercise
Controlling of feeling - This will help in developing a steady emotional life, which did not careen out of control the extremes of joy and sorrow, anger and fear, etc. The goal here is not to suppress those feelings but to maintain our balance and composure regardless of the circumstances. This will prevent our emotions from clouding our clear thinking and discernment. For example being blinded by rage or an instinctive desire for revenge. The outcome will liberate our emotional life to develop clear feelings and enjoy a purified soul experiences. This will also help develop an intercom in the heart, which will radiated outward from our heart to the five points of the extremities of the body.(Hands, feet, head)
Details of the forth essential exercise
Positivity - This will strengthen our tolerance, forbearance, seeing the true and beauty in all things, and affirmation. It is important to look for the good, the beautiful, and the true in all people and all situations. The energy movement created is the effect of our skin becoming open and porous on all sides, that our soul is now opening wide to subtle processes around us in our environment. This will lead to a blissful feeling towards our heart, then let it stream from our eye's into the space in front of and around us. Avoid demonizing or developing skeptical judgment about people and situations. Look for the strengths and admirable qualities of a person, even the worst person has some good traits. When finding a person or situation that is very challenging, we need to ask how has that a person or situation become to be like this. We must become aware of our own tendencies to focus on the negative in people and situations, and the degree to which we can improve relationships and situations by seeing the positive and praiseworthy within them. This will help recognize how any strong negative emotions within ourselves destroys the ability to see the positive and good in people and situations, blinding us to subtleties which we need to perceive on the spiritual path. This does not mean in any way creating false estimations of the reality of things. It also doesn't mean to excuse bad behavior or ignoring destructive, evil traits. We must still always use wise discernment about people and situations.
Details of the fifth essential exercise
Openness and new perspectives - Decide on one new experience you were going to have that day or make a spontaneous choice. This means breaking out of some routine, in many cases. For example undertaking a new activity, trying different foods or exercising with different equipment.
Details of the sixth essential exercise
Harmonize all of the above.
Seven requirements for the esoteric student
To constantly improve our habits regarding physical, emotional, and mental health.
To feel ourselves to be integrally connected to the whole of life, letting go of any tendencies to demonize other people or groups.
To fully internalize the following truth; that our thoughts and feelings are as important and as real in their effects on the world as our actions are.
To know that our spiritual essence is our true reality, rather than our transient physical conditions.
To develop total steadfastness in following through on every resolution and every commitment. To live by a code of honor.
To have gratitude for everything we receive, even in times of pain, suffering, and deprivation.
To unify the above into our experience of daily life.