Deni Maher
Protocol Director Bio Energy Specialist
Deni has developed specialized sound and light therapy protocols through research and intuition to restore balance and promote healing. These methods support physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being for clients, showcasing her dedication to holistic wellness. Through her publishing company, Talking Hearts, Deni shares Dr. Michael J. Lincoln’s transformative work on the emotional-mental health connection. His books, since 1968, have helped millions of people release limiting generational patterns. It has always been my great pleasure to promote Dr. Lincoln and his brilliant works- he dedicated his life to help humanity get out of 3D patterns and Evolve.
Deni embarked on a journey of natural healing in 2000, creating sound and light therapy protocols that support wellness for both people and animals. Her innovative approaches aim to restore physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance, guided by her belief in the body’s self-healing power.